Sunday, March 25, 2012

You'll Need Extra Income To Save For Your Family

How much money do you think the average American family needs to buy the necessities, a little of what they want and have extra leftover for savings? A lot. According to a recent USA Today article, which quoted the research survey conducted by WSL/Strategic Retail, "it now takes an income of more than $150,000 to be able to afford the basics, some extras and to save, too."

$150,000? According to a US Census Bureau report in the fall of 2011, yearly median household income is at its lowest at $49,445. That makes most of us about $100k short of making the cut. So, it is no wonder that the majority of the people who took the Home Business' latest poll indicated their reason for wanting to work from home as a need for extra income.

Earn Extra Income Working From Home

Here are some resources to help you get going on home-based work to subsidize your current income: