Sunday, March 25, 2012

Create a Successful Blog

If you don't know what blogging is by now, it is time to take a crash course. Online blogs can range from a small family journal to a lucrative business empire. While some blogs stumble upon success, massive followers and advertising income, these days, blogging as a business typically requires more than just dumb luck.

If you are considering blogging as a way to earn an income, studying other successful blogs can give you the insight you need in order to gain traffic and followers.

Case Study of a Successful Blog: Fit2Fat2Fit

I was watching Jay Leno back in the fall and heard an interview from a personal trainer who wanted to better relate to his clients. In six months, Drew Manning took his active and health-conscious lifestyle and flipped it 180 degrees. He chose to gain 70 lbs by not working out and eating whatever he wanted. Sound compelling? After six-months of a dedicated sedentary lifestyle, his before and after pictures are nearly unrecognizable. Drew switched back to his healthy lifestyle in November 2011 and is currently in the process of whipping his body back into shape through a strict regime of diet and exercise.

One of the smartest things Drew is doing during this process is documenting everything via his blog Fit2Fat2Fit. During his journey and transformation, his blog and website have become an overnight sensation. He is a wildly popular online figure and his blog is generating thousands of page views. He also has over 26,000 twitter followers, more than half a million YouTube hits and is surely generating a sizable income from advertisers on his website. The media channels took notice of his online popularity and he has been invited to appear on Jay Leno, Doctor Oz, and many other news outlets. Talk about a great online home business!

Why Is Fit2Fat2Fit Such a Hit?: Components of a Successful Blog

Here are some of the areas where the blog Fit2Fat2Fit hits it out of the park:

  1. Compelling Subject: I mean, come one. Who is willing to take a body, which they worked years on, and completely destroy it? Not anyone I know. Drew was willing to do something outrageous. It was like a train wreck and everyone had to stop and watch. Now that he is on the upward slope of getting back into shape, he is the underdog we all want to root for. He found a way to make his passion for fitness absolutely engaging for readers.

    In order to get people's attention and ultimately lots of visitor traffic, you don't necessarily have to jump off large buildings or do anything crazy, but you do need something catchy. It can be a topic that has been covered before, like fitness, but it needs to be blogged from a different angle. For example, maybe you like to golf and want to do a golfing blog. Instead of just writing about the best courses in the world, make it a goal to golf the top 25 courses in the world and take your readers on the journey with you.

  2. Useful Content: Now that Fit2Fat2Fit is shedding pounds, Drew is taking his readers through his fitness regime step-by-step. He provides workout schedules, meal plans, tips and good old-fashioned encouragement. Anyone trying to shed 70 lbs or looking for inspiration to change their lifestyle can use his advice to help them achieve their goal. Blog visitors find real value in spending their time with him.

    Quality content is the key to a successful blog. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to provide step-by-step instructions on your topic, but it does mean your content needs to be real. One of the top mom blogs in the world is Dooce. She isn't providing instruction on anything in particular, just well-written and relatable content about being a woman, mother and wife.

  3. Continuously Updated: In the Fit2Fat2Fit blog example, Drew is careful to write a few posts a week. This keeps things fresh and gives his loyal followers something to look forward to nearly everyday. Waiting lengthy amounts of time in between posts can cause your readers to lose interest quickly.

    According to a study by SiteKreator, “Small businesses who updated their website more than five times per month had +300% more website traffic than those who did not.” If those statistics aren’t a compelling argument for generating fresh content for your business website, I don’t know what is. Search engines (SEO) favor websites that are constantly updating. These favorable search results drive more visitors.

  4. Audience-Centric & Interactive: Fit2Fat2Fit doesn't just spout out information. It engages readers. If you visit Drew's site you will see that he gives shout-outs to visitors who have lost weight, has created a weight loss competition with awards and prizes, and he includes pictures and videos to make it a well-rounded visitor experience.

    Many successful blogs use contests or giveaways to increase traffic and encourage repeat visitors. Asking engaging questions at the end of a post can also encourage readers to participate. Thinking outside of the box with contests, polls, quizzes and even promised publicity can draw you additional traffic. Most importantly, incorporating all aspects of social media channels is crucial to capturing readers.