Sunday, March 25, 2012

Grow Your Adsense

Maybe you've had your own "Aha" moment with Google Adsense.

I had mine earlier this year when I realized I could make more than just pocket change by featuring those now familiar ad blocks on my websites. I had worked hard building my content oriented niche sites and had expected to make decent affiliate income--which never materialized.

You see, most people online (including you and me), are looking for information. I call them "lookey-loos." They want to gather information before making a purchasing decision. This is normal behavior. However, if you are looking to earn or make online money via a web site affiliate program, you'll quickly realize that it takes a lot more than slapping banner ads and links on your site.

Although, I've made a modest amount of affiliate income, it didn't seem enough to make it worth my while, in spite of what the affiliate marketing ebook gurus said. That's the point where I decided to put Adsense on my sites. Got nothing to lose, right?

At first I was like "Cool. A few pennies a day in the piggy bank." I didn't have to do anything extra for it, so it was kind of an easy way to make some "spare change." I didn't care how much I made each day. Anything was better than looking at a big fat zero.

Then something changed. The money accumulating in my Adsense account began to grow. Hmmm. Maybe there's something more to this Google Adsense thing than I realized. Adsense seemed like a pretty decent opportunity to make money online.

This is when I got serious about the potential to make money with Google Adsense. I know I'm just one of thousands of website publishers that has recently discovered that this is one of several ways to make extra money.

So here many of us sit, anxiously checking our stats to see how much money we've made today. What is our CTR (click through rate)? How much are we getting paid per click? And so forth.

While we all hear the tales about those making thousands per day or month with Adsense, most of us web publishers, here in the trenches, are not blessed with having a gazillion visitors that produce big fat checks. We are trying to steadily grow our modest Adsense income fairly and honestly.

But what is the secret to doing that?

**WARNING: If you're interested in information on how to make lots of money quick and easy using black hat techniques or using SPAM website generators, you can stop reading now**

I believe that slow and steady wins the race--and, you'll get to keep your Adsense account for the long run. Let me give you some perspective. Google is worth $120 billion. Google stock is now valued at over $400 per share. A good portion of their profit comes from pay-per-click advertising (Adwords). Yet, online advertising is still a relatively small percentage of total (U.S.) advertising dollars spent. However, things are rapidly changing. Online advertising will see steady growth for many years to come.

The potential windfall for online web publishers is enormous. A web publisher making $30 a month today, could be making $300-$500 per day in a few short years. Those who go for the quick, unethical profits now, but lose their Adsense accounts because of it, may be kicking themselves in the future. To me, it's just not worth it.

Anyway, for those of you who think that you'll never make it to that coveted $100 per month mark so that you can join the Google monthly check club, take heart. There's still plenty of time for you to get there. However, you must get serious. You won't make the big money if you're treating your websites like a hobby.

Ok. So, here's some quick tips on what you can do to grow your Adsense profits (I'm currently making over $300 per month with Adsense by following this very strategy):


Content is King.

You will not see good CTR without quality content. Put yourself in the visitor's shoes. What's the first thing you'll want to do when you visit a crap website? Yeah, that's right. Leave. Some web publishers believe that quality content doesn't matter. That people will be less likely to click if they get good information at a site. This is not my experience. Some also believe that a crappy content site will cause visitors to click on Adsense ads to "escape" a bad site. I think this is B.S. When's the last time you clicked on an ad to escape someone's site? It's too easy to hit the "back" button or close the browser.

Your job as an online web publisher is to give people quality information. The ads are an added benefit to your visitors. If they want more information on a product or service related to your subject matter, then they are more likely to click on an ad. They will trust your site more. And, yes, my sites consistently have really good CTR. That means "high interest."


While a few lucky web publishers have hit the golden jackpot ($10,000 a month and up) with only one site, most of them had built up a very popular site over several years and already had tons of steady traffic (in the thousands). When they put Adsense on their sites, they saw instant big money, and they continue to reap the rewards.

You and I, down here in the trenches with fairly new sites, cannot realistically expect to achieve these lofty heights overnight. It's gonna take a lot of work to get where they are, if we ever do. Even if we don't, we can still make a nice enough income to achieve our desired financial goals. So quit obsessing over what so and so is making and focus on your own web publishing business.

Now the truth is, the more quality websites you build, the more money you'll make with Adsense. This goes for blogs too. If one site drops in clicks, then another site often picks up the slack. This is my experience. And these sites don't have to be big money makers on their own, or get lots of traffic. It's a numbers game. The more sites you build, the more opportunities you'll have to reap Adsense profits. How many sites you build is up to you, but it's not uncommon for successful web publishers to have between two and 10 sites, some have many more!

Yes, this takes a lot of work. You have to research a niche topic, keywords, popularity potential, design a decent looking site, write or hire someone to write quality content, get your site listed in the search engines, keep monitoring your site, etc. So, you'll be working some long hours in front of your computer. But think of it as building your online empire--one site at a time.


While you can test various Adsense ad block sizes and colors on your website, others have already done the research as to the top performing ad block. It's the 300x250 rectangle. This block should be blended into your web page so that it doesn't look so conspicuously like an ad. People hate ads. They don't like to be sold to. However, if your ad blocks don't scream "advertisement" to them, they're more likely to click. This has been proven.

The best positioning for ad blocks is at the top of the page (center position seems to get more clicks). Also, blue link color gets more clicks than any other link colors. But of course, you're free to experiment with ad blocks on your own site.


No website is perfect. You can always make improvements. Change or add new (relevant) information. If your website is ranking low, try adding new information. Search engines love websites that have fresh information. You don't have to add something new every week, but you can tweak and update your sites periodically. I've had sites move into excellent search engine positions just by doing a little tweaking.

BEWARE of auto-generated feeds and content. Google is cracking down on sites that have too much automation. The search engines seem to love organic content that looks and reads like the web publisher put some personal effort into it.


I know. This is the 100-pound gorilla for all of us. By now you know it's not easy getting web site traffic. Whole ebook empires have been built around this very subject. All I can tell you is that there are some proven techniques, but they take work and time. One of the best ways, and the method I use consistently to get great results is writing articles like this one, and submitting them to article directories and lists. It's also a nice way to get new sites indexed relatively quickly.

You MUST keep working on getting more traffic to your websites. Traffic=Clicks=$$$

I know it can be frustrating when your site traffic is in the single digit per day category. Look at it this way, there's nowhere else to go but UP.


An important KEY to increasing your Google Adsense profits is to learn as much as you can about the business of making money online with your website. Knowledge is power. There are plenty of generous people online offering free advice on how you can improve your Adsense income.

I wouldn't be where I am now without taking full advantage of free and paid resources. Remember, you're not alone. There are lots of folks going through the same thing that you are. If you are open to learning, you CAN move forward towards reaching your income goals with Google Adsense.


If you made $30 this month, set a goal to make $40 or $50 next month. If you made $80 this month, set a goal to make $100 next month. Having a monthly goal is a great way to stay motivated while you work on your website business. Trust me, I know. My first month with Adsense I earned a whopping $32.46. It took several months for me to make it into the monthly check club. However, with steady work, and determination to increase my Adsense income, that check has grown bigger every month.


Adwords advertisers respect web publishers who understand that the reason they allow their ads to show up on your website pages is so that you can help bring them quality prospects. Adwords advertisers are looking for a decent return on investment (ROI) for their Adwords dollars. They don't have to run their ads on the content network. Google makes it easy for them to turn that option off--and many do.

So, keep in mind that it's in YOUR best interest to keep the Adwords advertiser's best interest in mind when you build your websites. Advertisers want to see profits just like we do. They want some of those clicks to produce sales. If they don't make enough sales, they will quit using Adwords. That leads to less money for web publishers.

There are some greedy, opportunistic web publishers out there who only care about filling their pockets with quick cash. They don't care about how much money their SPAM pages cost advertisers when they send unqualified, or barely interested visitors, clicking onto the advertiser's site. Poor quality website traffic may make some web publishers a tidy sum, but they risk being downgraded eventually by Adwords advertisers and Google itself. Google is giving their Adwords advertisers more tools to track clicks and sales conversions.

Trust me, you want to be on the good list of web publishers that can be trusted by Adwords advertisers to consistently bring them qualified visitors. That's what they are paying for. And, quit crying over low paying clicks. Google and their advertisers don't owe you a living. If you want to make more Adsense money, then you'll have to work smarter and harder.


While Google Adsense is a great way to earn or make online money, it's definitely not a get-rich-quick scheme. It'll take months, maybe even a couple of years before you realize those big check dreams. Meanwhile, keep doing a little bit here and there to build a solid online business.

Actually, what we really do is provide a needed service to people--we provide quality information to help them find what they're looking for quickly and easily. We help the "looky-loos" save time and money. We are information providers extraordinaire!

What a great way to make a living.

© Donna Monday

The Best Information from Around the Web []

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5 Highly Effective Techniques

One thing that is driving traffic to a variety of websites is quality writing. Writing articles is one of the ways that the modern marketing analyst is creating wealth for themselves, their companies, and so much more. Never before has a person been able to harness the power of the web quite like today's modern article writers. When uploading an article to a website you are putting your thoughts and ideas out there, and others that are looking at finding out how to do just about anything will treat you as an authority in the field, if you have quality content to offer. The best way to approach this, if you're not an avid writer is to emulate the top marketers and see how they are making their writing work for them. The more writing you can do, the better your traffic will be and the longer you'll stay on top of many websites as an authority on a variety of subjects.

In order to generate attention, you'll need to write more than just information articles. You'll need to create lists, which can be rough. Consider this list below as not only an example but a good checklist for yourself in regards to article marketing for traffic:

Article Marketing - 5 Things Required To Be Successful

1. The Title - Choose a title that jumps off the screen. Don't just get to the content, throw a wrench at the end user, make them want to read your article instead of the other options they'll have online.

2. Keywords - Select keywords that will reach a broad audience, and put them in the content in a variety of locations. Don't over do it, but sprinkle them in nicely.

3. Author Box - The author box requires some quality writing, and quick wit. Hit people with something that comes from the heart, and don't just throw your link in there.

4. Repetition - Avoid repetition, write concisely using modern grammar techniques and get to the point without repeating the same sentences and ideas in multiple paragraphs. When in doubt, emulate a college essay.

5. Article Marketing - Submit your original article to a variety of places and get the content to the masses. This is going to be crucial in long term success so don't forget this crucial point.

Once you've started on the road to article marketing it's imperative to continue to write. Do not write one day and then miss weeks of writing. If you know you're going to busy in the near future, make sure that you write for the days you'll miss. Write upwards of 10 or 20 articles and slowly upload them. Do not upload 10 or 20 articles at once, because you'll miss crucial down time that is needed for users to discover your work. Take time move forward, and stay consistent. Without consistency and discipline, the whole marketing process unravels and becomes tiresome. Furthermore, do not give up if you're not seeing a flood of traffic within the first few articles, it's going to take time. Some of the largest marketing agencies have 1,000 plus articles and are generating five to six figures. Aim high, and watch the traffic explode.

Steve Lim is an internet marketing specialist, while running his internet marketing business, he has been constantly doing business online and offline. Now he works with world class internet marketing gurus to build successful online businesses. He desires to share his knowledge with everyone, and hopes to inspire people. Discover more insider secrets and the exact step by step strategies that are used by famous internet marketing gurus to generate huge income online in this free ebook:

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ClickBank Tips

Answering email is one of my least favorite tasks, simply due to the volume of messages I receive from those who want something for nothing.

I have no patience for that kind of mentality.

I’d rather spend my time helping people who genuinely want to do the work needed to succeed, not those expecting handouts.

So I was already a tad bit frustrated when I stumbled upon a message from a guy who questioned my integrity because I promote ClickBank.

His email read…

Hi Lisa,

Love your work, but was quite shocked to see that you promote a program like ClickBank. I have been an affiliate for at least 5 years and have sent thousands of visitors to them and have not received one single sale. I have concluded they are a scam and removed all my links.

This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this. In fact, my YouTube videos on ClickBank often generate the same kinds of comments.

And quite coincidentally, as I was polishing up this post yesterday, I checked my Facebook page and Clarence Middleton posted this…

Clickbank is a Scam

First of all, I’ve got to give props to Clarence for at least admitting he may have taken a sip of the Hater-ade. ;)

But he’s not alone, and it’s not usually about hating. There’s this attitude that develops with some marketers who believe…

If I can’t make money with this program then it must be a scam.

If this sounds like something you’ve said, in reality, the real problem may be one or more of the following…

  • Your marketing strategy needs adjusting
  • Perhaps you are promoting products that don’t align with your reader’s needs
  • You need to build more targeted traffic
  • You haven’t established enough credibility to convert the sales

Now, I will say this. You have to be careful because ClickBank does have some less-than-stellar products in their marketplace. But it’s up to YOU to ensure that the products you promote meet a certain quality standard.

My ClickBank Strategy

I’ve done very well with ClickBank over the years, and for those who call it a scam, I’ve been a member since 2000 and have never had a problem getting my payments.

I don’t promote a lot of their products (no more than 2-4 per site), but I own the ones I do promote and make sure my readers know that.

For example, I’ve had pretty good success with referring Jim Edwards’ book, How to Write and Publish Your Own eBook in as Little as 7 Days.

Take note of my very simple strategy below…

Clickbank review

I always make it clear that I actually purchased the book by giving specific details. Doing so will increase your conversions because it makes the review seem more believable and credible.

Knowing specific problems your audience struggles with helps too.

One reason I chose to add that last paragraph about not knowing enough to write a good book is because that’s exactly what my readers are constantly telling me via email and Jim’s book covers this issue very well.

The Concept is Actually Very Simple

As you can see, my strategy is not rocket science. And if you talk to anyone who succeeds with affiliate marketing, I bet they will tell you they do something very similar.

In fact, the affiliates who do the best promoting my two books (Niche Website Success and WP Starter Guide) often use a very similar approach.

Most of them write reviews that are very similar to what I did with Jim’s book above. They highlight specific, audience-relevant benefits they know will be valued.

When you have enough targeted traffic and find products that align with your visitors needs, affiliate marketing is actually not hard at all.

However, that doesn’t mean it’s not going to take work and time to promote your site and figure out how to convert your audience.

To Sum it Up

ClickBank is no more a scam than Amazon’s or Commission Junction’s affiliate program. It’s simply an affiliate network of digital goods. You choose the products you want to promote and if they convert, you earn a commission.

It’s as simple as that.

In 12 years, I’ve never seen any evidence of ClickBank being a scam, and it’s not fair to use that label just because something is not working for you.

By that logic, there are a lot of things I’ve encountered in my life that I could call a scam. ;)

Finding The Best Google AdSense Niche Topics

Top AdSense niche topics can help you earn a lot of AdSense cash. They tend to be inadequately covered interest areas and offer little or no competition from other AdSense publishers. However, they tend to have good levels of demand and interested visitors. They also often have a decent number of high paying related ads. High Cost per Click, Low Competition and High Traffic are a few characteristics of a good AdSense niche.

However, it occurs very rarely that all these factors correspond to create an AdSense niche topic. Some other factors than have the potential to make good AdSense niche includes: Low Cost per Click, High Traffic and Low Competition. High Cost per Click, Low Competition and Low Traffic is another combination of factors that can work reasonably well. One factor that remains basic to all the combinations is low competition as it will help make sure that you get to have a control over a major portion of the web traffic associated with the topic in question.

There are plenty of methods for discovering AdSense niche topics. While some prefer to choose from the angle of profit and keep their focus on discovering AdSense niche topics within high paying keywords. But you will experience a lot of difficulties if you follow this method. For example: you may face the problem of creating an AdSense website on a theme you are not even familiar with. A good AdSense niche topic is the one which interests you. It will become easier for you to attain success by this method.

If you are passionate about the subject matter of your AdSense website, you can definitely make it work wonders. So, go through a brainstorming session and prepare a list of topics that are of interest to you. You can look for some ideas at AdSense Website Themes as well. For finalizing the topic of your AdSense website from the list of topics you have prepared, you must answer these questions:

• How ardent I am about this topic?
• Will other people take interest in this topic?
• Does this topic have the potential to work well as a blog or website?
• Does this topic possess longevity?
• How can I make this topic interesting for a potential visitor and will I be able to deliver what is required?
• Which of these topics holds my greatest interest?
• I have the most understanding of which of these topics?

Creating the AdSense website will become easier for you if you have best understanding of the topic and you are passionate about it. Try to shortlist only 4-5 topics from the initial list on the basis of these questions. Now you need to convert these topics into potential AdSense niche topics for which you have to do some basic keyword research. You can utilize a keyword discovery tool for this purpose. Prefer to use the one Google provides you in its AdWords section as it is free to use. However, if you have not signed up with it, then it will require constant entry of CAPTCHA text.

Discover more traffic generation strategies to your Google AdSense Website by downloading your FREE report at

You will discover a simple short cut to generate high targeted traffic to your website quickly.

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Discover The Typical Google AdSense Earnings For Newbie

One must have fair knowledge about the typical AdSense earnings before they venture into AdSense scheme. However, it is quite difficult to estimate the average AdSense earnings because one of the rules by Google strongly discourages the publication of revenue and profits related information. But on the basis of average cost per clicks, average click through rates and average traffic levels we can work out an estimate figure of AdSense earnings.

According to the latest estimates, $0.50 is the average Pay Per Click on an AdSense advertisement. The Pay Per Click scheme of Google is basically the monetization of traffic. Even though the Pay Per Click rate may seem minuscule at first, but the number of visitors on your website who click on ads can help you make sufficient AdSense money! Thus, it depends on the web traffic. You will be able to make the most of the scheme if substantiate amount of visitors pass through your website.

About 100 to 200 people visit an averagely successful AdSense website each day. But all the visitors do not click on the ads displayed on the website. On an average, 2% to 5% people visiting an averagely optimized AdSense site will click through the ads. Whereas, if the AdSense site has been extremely well optimized it may be able to pull more than 10% click through rates. So, with the help of this information we can make a rough evaluation of earnings of a typical AdSense per website. If we take click through rate as 5%, then a typical AdSense site will earn about $5.00 per day. There are some AdSense sites that may earn much more than this estimation while some may earn even less than this.

Even if we accept $5.00 a day as average AdSense earnings for each website, then what is the typical AdSense income per AdSense publisher? This value is even more difficult to estimate. An AdSense publisher may have one to hundreds of AdSense websites. The successful webmasters have a number of good and high quality AdSense websites. You can earn up to $140.00 per month if you have just one average performing AdSense website. The more quality AdSense website you will have, higher will be your AdSense income. If you will have knowledge of typical AdSense earnings, you will get motivated to build single or plenty of AdSense website that performs well and maximise your AdSense income.

Discover more traffic generation strategies to your Google AdSense website by downloading your FREE report at

You will discover a simple short cut to generate high targeted traffic to your website quickly.

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How to Attract Google AdSense Traffic Effectively

The main agenda behind off-page optimization is acquisition of high quality, keyword rich, relevant links to your website because most of the search engines 'feed' on these links. Search engines value such links more than anything else, so you must learn the skills to 'feed' these links to search engines or else they might ignore you. You need to plan the mode of attack in order to conduct a campaign in the best manner. Make use of a notebook and keep a record of every step that you take.

You need to exploit all possible means to acquire links to your website in an off-page optimization campaign if you wish to achieve ultimate success. However, when you begin the campaign, it is best and often recommended to focus on those areas where you feel comfortable to start off. For example: if you are comfortable in forum, it is recommended that you join a few of them and give out some fine positive and helpful advice to people. However, make sure that you do not exhaust any technique you have decided on. Search engines may penalize you for overdoing any particular means of building links.

There are plenty of ways by which you can create incoming links to your AdSense website. There are few that are difficult and more expensive than others. But it has been found that it's these expensive and difficult ways that are more useful for your campaigns. Some of the most widely used methods are enlisted as follows:

• Writing articles and submitting them to online directories is probably the most popular method. By providing some useful and valuable information online, you can direct some free targeted traffic to your website. This method is totally free. If you enjoy writing articles, then you must make use of this method. In the Author's box of these articles, you can place the link to your website.

• Writing press release of your website is another very popular means. You can submit the press releases to the online directories that accept them and permit you to direct web traffic to your website.

• Make videos to broadcast yourself. Make use of YouTube to upload your videos and promote your business or website. This method helps you gain credibility for your website and products. You can also embed your videos on your website pages. You can place the link to your website in the description of the video to drive traffic towards it. Ensure that your videos impart valuable information so that there are chances of it going viral.

• Become a part of online communities and forums as a lot of people share things of common interest at such places. This can help you in generating more visitors to your website by mentioning the link to your website in the signature file. If you become successful in gaining good reputation in the eyes of other internet marketers, the image and sales of your online business will increase considerably.

• Look for free online classified ads. Some of these ads permit you to place you website on the ad and do not charge for it. Though it will take time to search for these ads, but they are immensely helpful in directing targeted traffic to your website.

• You can even trade or exchange links with other websites to generate traffic for your website. This will also help in gaining popularity for your website for search engine rankings.

• A viral marketing campaign is another useful means. Marketing technique that makes use of social networks, where various visitors may share the link of your website with other visitors, is known as viral marketing. In this manner, you website will gain more exposure. Text messages, eBooks and video clips are some common means of viral marketing.

• You can even guest author a post for a website that has more traffic as compared to yours. It will benefit the owner of the website as he/she will be getting some good quality content. At the same time, it will benefit you as people visiting that website will get directed to your website as well via the link you will place. It will also help in gaining credibility for your products or services.

• Commenting on related blogs is also helpful. Look for a blog that writes about the industry to which you belong and regularly follow their posts. When you post a comment, leave a link for your website. This will direct traffic, of people who are interested in your market, back to your website.

Discover more traffic generation strategies to your Google AdSense website by downloading your FREE report at

You will discover a simple short cut to generate high targeted traffic to your website quickly.

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The Realistic Google AdSense Earnings Per Month

You might have come across a number of dodgy websites that gallantly state one possible AdSense earnings or another. You might have noticed them, quoting values in the thousands per month with ease. They also tend to strengthen the idea that it is very easy and simple to achieve decent AdSense earnings.

However, the truth is that it is not that easy at all. These ads do not tell you the amount of hard work that is involved in achieving AdSense earning in thousands of dollars per month. There is no legitimate way of earning such huge AdSense cash each month.

So, you must have an idea about realistic AdSense earnings and how much earning you can anticipate if you are fresh on AdSense. An AdSense publisher, on average, makes less than $0.50 for each click. The approach of most of the publishers to AdSense is largely shaped by this figure. You need to have sufficient influx of web traffic to your website in order to ensure that you get decent AdSense earnings. Thus, fundamentally, AdSense is about monetization of web traffic.

Many people believe that some reasonable web traffic levels are sufficient to make substantial amounts of AdSense money. But it is not true as majority of the people who visit your website do not click on ads. These ads either go unnoticed or are ignored on purpose. Thus, most of the websites end up having less than 5% click through rates. You will be very lucky to get even 2% clicks on the ads displayed on your website. However, factors like position of ads on the website, quality of the website content and the website theme can have a marked influence on click through rates.

A question that arises is then how much traffic you require to achieve AdSense earnings of about $1000 per month? If each click will help you earn $0.50 and you have click through rates (CTR) of around 5% then you will require nearly 1400 visitors to your website a day and 42,000 visitors per month to have such earnings. However, if your website content is of high quality that is able to pull relevant and better AdSense ads that have cost per click in the range of $1.00, then you will need only half the visitors and can make the same earnings.

But sometimes even some of the finest AdSense publishers struggle to get such high number of people to visit their website in less than 6 months times! If you are a diligent and talented beginner with an organized approach, working extremely hard can help you make such high AdSense earnings each month. Though it is difficult, but it can be achieved.

You need to have patience for making decent AdSense earnings. Practically, a lot of hard work and determination goes into achieving good possible AdSense earnings. When you are joining AdSense, you must face the fact that it will not be easy to make huge amounts of AdSense earnings as most of the ads and websites suggests.

Discover more Google traffic generation strategies to your Google AdSense website by downloading your FREE report at

You will discover a simple short cut to generate high targeted traffic to your website quickly.

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Create a Successful Blog

If you don't know what blogging is by now, it is time to take a crash course. Online blogs can range from a small family journal to a lucrative business empire. While some blogs stumble upon success, massive followers and advertising income, these days, blogging as a business typically requires more than just dumb luck.

If you are considering blogging as a way to earn an income, studying other successful blogs can give you the insight you need in order to gain traffic and followers.

Case Study of a Successful Blog: Fit2Fat2Fit

I was watching Jay Leno back in the fall and heard an interview from a personal trainer who wanted to better relate to his clients. In six months, Drew Manning took his active and health-conscious lifestyle and flipped it 180 degrees. He chose to gain 70 lbs by not working out and eating whatever he wanted. Sound compelling? After six-months of a dedicated sedentary lifestyle, his before and after pictures are nearly unrecognizable. Drew switched back to his healthy lifestyle in November 2011 and is currently in the process of whipping his body back into shape through a strict regime of diet and exercise.

One of the smartest things Drew is doing during this process is documenting everything via his blog Fit2Fat2Fit. During his journey and transformation, his blog and website have become an overnight sensation. He is a wildly popular online figure and his blog is generating thousands of page views. He also has over 26,000 twitter followers, more than half a million YouTube hits and is surely generating a sizable income from advertisers on his website. The media channels took notice of his online popularity and he has been invited to appear on Jay Leno, Doctor Oz, and many other news outlets. Talk about a great online home business!

Why Is Fit2Fat2Fit Such a Hit?: Components of a Successful Blog

Here are some of the areas where the blog Fit2Fat2Fit hits it out of the park:

  1. Compelling Subject: I mean, come one. Who is willing to take a body, which they worked years on, and completely destroy it? Not anyone I know. Drew was willing to do something outrageous. It was like a train wreck and everyone had to stop and watch. Now that he is on the upward slope of getting back into shape, he is the underdog we all want to root for. He found a way to make his passion for fitness absolutely engaging for readers.

    In order to get people's attention and ultimately lots of visitor traffic, you don't necessarily have to jump off large buildings or do anything crazy, but you do need something catchy. It can be a topic that has been covered before, like fitness, but it needs to be blogged from a different angle. For example, maybe you like to golf and want to do a golfing blog. Instead of just writing about the best courses in the world, make it a goal to golf the top 25 courses in the world and take your readers on the journey with you.

  2. Useful Content: Now that Fit2Fat2Fit is shedding pounds, Drew is taking his readers through his fitness regime step-by-step. He provides workout schedules, meal plans, tips and good old-fashioned encouragement. Anyone trying to shed 70 lbs or looking for inspiration to change their lifestyle can use his advice to help them achieve their goal. Blog visitors find real value in spending their time with him.

    Quality content is the key to a successful blog. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to provide step-by-step instructions on your topic, but it does mean your content needs to be real. One of the top mom blogs in the world is Dooce. She isn't providing instruction on anything in particular, just well-written and relatable content about being a woman, mother and wife.

  3. Continuously Updated: In the Fit2Fat2Fit blog example, Drew is careful to write a few posts a week. This keeps things fresh and gives his loyal followers something to look forward to nearly everyday. Waiting lengthy amounts of time in between posts can cause your readers to lose interest quickly.

    According to a study by SiteKreator, “Small businesses who updated their website more than five times per month had +300% more website traffic than those who did not.” If those statistics aren’t a compelling argument for generating fresh content for your business website, I don’t know what is. Search engines (SEO) favor websites that are constantly updating. These favorable search results drive more visitors.

  4. Audience-Centric & Interactive: Fit2Fat2Fit doesn't just spout out information. It engages readers. If you visit Drew's site you will see that he gives shout-outs to visitors who have lost weight, has created a weight loss competition with awards and prizes, and he includes pictures and videos to make it a well-rounded visitor experience.

    Many successful blogs use contests or giveaways to increase traffic and encourage repeat visitors. Asking engaging questions at the end of a post can also encourage readers to participate. Thinking outside of the box with contests, polls, quizzes and even promised publicity can draw you additional traffic. Most importantly, incorporating all aspects of social media channels is crucial to capturing readers.

You'll Need Extra Income To Save For Your Family

How much money do you think the average American family needs to buy the necessities, a little of what they want and have extra leftover for savings? A lot. According to a recent USA Today article, which quoted the research survey conducted by WSL/Strategic Retail, "it now takes an income of more than $150,000 to be able to afford the basics, some extras and to save, too."

$150,000? According to a US Census Bureau report in the fall of 2011, yearly median household income is at its lowest at $49,445. That makes most of us about $100k short of making the cut. So, it is no wonder that the majority of the people who took the Home Business' latest poll indicated their reason for wanting to work from home as a need for extra income.

Earn Extra Income Working From Home

Here are some resources to help you get going on home-based work to subsidize your current income:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Monetize A Website With Adsense

The key to getting the most out of Adsense on a website that is already up and running revolves around three things:

1. Integrating it properly into the structure of your pages,

2. Optimizing the ads for your current traffic through testing and monitoring,

3. Bringing more traffic to your now optimized webpages.

How you integrate Adsense into your website is the single largest determiner of it's eventual performance. With that in mind, monetizers often fall into one of two traps.

1. They chase clicks and forget about the purpose their website actually serves. Pushing ads at every visitor might force a higher click through rate for a time but if you undermine your websites value it will eventually fall from grace.

2. If they've built a website around a topic that they are genuinely interested in, then as I was with my first site, they will be rather proud of it and therefore quite possessive over it - and consequently Ads are viewed as a bit of an intrusion. Plus as they relate to the people using their site they are often reluctant to "push" (as it feels) ads in front of them. These people therefore under utilize Adsense and are only earning a fraction of what they should be from their traffic.

Therefore, your biggest barrier to having Adsense perform at its optimum on your website will be that you either follow Adsense to closely, concentrating on clicks rather than your website which will eventually hail it's demise or your attachment to your site prevents you from fully integrating Adsense and limits your earnings.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

How To Find Profitable Adsense Niches

This Post From : Kelvin

The profitability of an Adsense niche is primarily based on the amount that Adwords advertisers are spending to compete in that niche.

Remember that an Adsense ad is only an Adwords ad that is appearing on your site and not Google. The amount that an ad generates per click is therefore directly related to the amount that Adwords advertisers are paying per click. Bottom line - if they are paying more we earn more.

So how can you find out which niches (and which keywords inside those niches) advertisers are spending more money on?

I use two different methods:

1. Keyword Research With Keyword Country

As you will have probably have started to gather I cannot lay enough praise on this tool. In fact I struggle to understand how I researched, chose and targeted niche sites before I got hold of's that good. Aswell as being able to search by category or keyword you can also search by price range. For example, you can decide to find keywords that have an average cpc of say between $18 and $20. If you enter this price range it will return a list of keywords which fall inside that parameter - in this case - 3957 different keyword phrases.

The top 5 rated keywords in this cpc range were: "credit card", "free credit report", "mortgage rates", "consolidate debt" and "website hosting". All you need to do is go down the list work out which ones would be suitable for an Adsense monetized information site, extend your keyword research by taking your chosen phrase and entering it into the search box, build the content, integrate the Adsense and promote your new website.

This is a simple and effective way of finding out where the advertiser dollar is being spent and consequently where the Adsense dollar may be earnt.

As a side issue - with tools like Keyword Country available you should never pay for a keyword list. For less than their cost you can get access to a complete keyword database which includes extensive analysis and ratings in terms of profitability and potential for every keyword or keyword phrase entered into the search engines. Spend your money wisely.

2. Affiliate Analysis With CJ

A different method is to forget keywords for a minute and to focus on markets and their advertisers. Adwords advertisers are made up of two types of people - companies and affiliates. We can't easily find out how much companies are making but we can find out how much their affiliates are by joining up to a third part affiliate network like Commission Junction (CJ), which connects companies that are selling products and website publishers like me and you who are willing to promote them for a commission.

My premise is that if you find the markets that are profitable for affiliates you will find the markets that are profitable for Adsense monetized sites. Why? Because a profitable market is one that you can spend a good sum of money on advertising and still make a healthy return.

Where the affiliates are earning good money, the companies and the affiliates will be spending big money on Adwords advertising.

You can find which markets are profitable in CJ by using their catrgory lists and sorting features. Once logged in simply follow this process:

1. Click on Get Links > this will take you to a categorical listing of all the advertiser programs.

2. Choose A Market From The Category List > this will bring up all the advertiser programs inside that niche category.

4. Click "3 Month EPC" > this will bring the top performing affiliate programs in that niche to the top of the pile. EPC stands for "earnings per click" (at CJ this is earnings per 100 clicks) and illustrates on average how much affiliates are earning for each set of 100 people they direct to that program. For example, the top performer in the financial services niche is a company specialising in mortagage refinance and equity release, with a massive 3 month epc of $354.90.

Now I have my profitable niches - "mortgage refinance" and "equity release" - I go to Keyword Country to see if my theory is correct. If I type in those two keyword phrases, Keyword Country will return to me average cpc, number of searches, competition, number of Adwords advertisers and profitablity rating for every keyword related to those two seperate niches. If I'm right the average CPC for these two keywords will be very high.

This is what Keyword Country told me:

Mortgage Refinance - average cpc $27.17 across 823 related keywords.

Equity Release - average cpc $10.145.

The theory proved correct and I've found two profitable niches that I could build a mini informational site around. In addition, I would integrate the appropriate high paying affiliate program which would give me a second means of monetizing my traffic.

There are hundreds and hundreds of these niches you just have to do the research and find them. If you're using the correct method and know where and how to look you'll be able to build a targeted site around a profitable niche within a few days. Again, these type of mini targeted sites are best and most effectively built using XSitePro.

Best of luck,
